To pannebånd

Photo: Siv N. Skansen/The Norwegian Olympic Museum

6. February

As long as supplies last.

 Sale of Olympic memorabilia from 1994.

The Maihaugen store has cleared its inventory, and we are selling several treasures. Here you can find bags, jackets, sweaters, T-shirts, silver pictogram pins, ties, scarves, and much, much more. We have only a few examples of each item. The sale will continue as long as supplies last. Welcome to the nostalgic Olympic corner at the shop at Maihaugen!

Visit The Norwegian Olympic Museum that is included in the ticket to Maihaugen.


Letter opener and headband.

Grey mittens with Olympic pictograms.

Blue mittens with Olympic pictograms.

Cheese slicer with the Olympic emblem.

Kristin and Håkon mascots.

Hat with Olympic colors and emblem.

Jacket with Olympic colors and emblem.